Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Compassionate Witness

In Grief Gratitude and Courage Circles we practice being witnesses for one another.  A witness does not have to fix, explain, or take responsibility for another's grief.  We don't even have to fully understand it. We simply listen, accept, and care.  Witnessing builds our compassion muscles.  Witnessing is a sacred act, showing that we value the speaker and the experience they share.  When grief is witnessed, the griever can find the words to describe what they experience, and trust that they can bear the pain.  When are gratitude and courage are witnessed, we can celebrate together.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Widen the Circle

Grief is our common bond. 
Opening to our sorrow connects us with everyone, everywhere. 
It is sacred work.
– Francis Weller

As the news cycle swirls around us, delivering us a torrent of tragedies and outrages, along with signs of hope, there has never been a better time to honor our grief.  I created Grief Gratitude and Courage Circles to help people honestly confront those losses that we have little other means to grieve: losses from pandemic, economic dislocation, ecological destruction, social failures. Grieving together, we find strength, healing and creative power. 

I am excited to announce that Yoojin Lee has received a grant to guide GGC Circles for activists.  The circle is widening.  Please help it continue to widen by sharing GGC with people and organizations who might benefit from it.